Our Educational Institutions Program is Head of the Class!



About Our Program

Since 1974, the member companies of Utica National have offered customizable coverages and risk management services to all different types of schools.

Our team of school underwriters — who work exclusively on school business — are here and ready to work with you on your next school account.

They are focused on helping you grow your book of educational institutions — whether a community college, charter school, or private school.

Targeted Schools

Number of Students:


Private Schools
Charter Schools


Four-Year Colleges and Universities
Professional Schools


Junior and Community Colleges


Montessori K to 8th Grade

Dorms: up to four stories and meets life safety codes.

Key Specialty Coverages

  • School District Educators Legal Liability (E&O/D&O/Entity)
  • Employment Practices Liability
  • Abuse and Molestation Coverage
  • Educational Institution Coverage – Broadened General Liability
  • School Bus Replacement Cost
  • Specialty Professional Coverages
    • Beauticians/Barber
    • Health Student Professional
  • Coverage for volunteers
  • UNI-Flex add on to packages
    • Several Property, Inland Marine & Crime Coverages in one endorsement
  • Educational Institutions Auto Extension
    • More than 20 coverages
  • Educational Institutions Coverage
    • 15+ General Liability Coverages
  • Traumatic Event Expense Coverage
  • Crisis Event Expense Coverage

Want to learn more?

Contact your Sales Representative or School Underwriter today to discuss your next school opportunity!

This is a summary of coverage and services. The precise coverage is subject to the actual terms and conditions of the insurance policy. Not all coverages are available in all states.